Article describing issues that are specific to Map360 2024 can be found here.
As of January 1, 2025 users have contacted us and reported the above issue when importing pointclouds or accessing a variety of other pointcloud functions. This issue affects Map360 2024 and 2022 hot...
In 2024 an issue was discovered when importing Ortho Slice files generated from Register360 v2023.1.0. Upon import, instead of seeing your images you will see the slice number in the middle. [img src...
If you are using the Export COE function, using either the COEOUT command or using the HDS/UAS Ribbon and encounter the unable to recognize_COEOUT error in your command line - A fresh install will res...
In Map360 2024, when inserting certain symbols/blocks, you may see the following error in the command line: Duplicate Record name: <object> (####) with the (####) displaying some combination of alphan...
Map360 2024.0 was released with an upgrade to the pointcloud handling capabilities of the product. The product is now able to import and work with the newest LGSx format of pointcloud which is output...
In Map360 2024, the hotfix release v2024.0.3.5245, there is an issue with LGSx files where when using the Bullet Path Reconstruction, the fencing of the pointcloud area to detect the cones is not work...
As of version Map360 2024, Map360 Pro can import an LGS file and all functions on the PointCloud ribbon will be functional. During the year 2023 Leica Geosystems updated a number of their products so...