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Symbols and Inserts

  • Using Google Sketchup Models in your Drawing using the Collada Importer

    IMS MAP360: USING COLLADA (GOOGLE SKETCH UP) SYMBOL LIBRARY *Note You will need to sign up for a free SketchUp account before you will be able to download symbols from the Collada library. 1.) In IM...

  • List of 3D Models

    3D vehicle models are added to the Symbol Librarian with each release. The included models are listed below: 3D vehicle models are added to the Symbol Librarian with each release. The included models...

  • Map 360 Animation Tutorials

    Attached are two Tutorials and a simple drawing that allow you to learn the basic tools that are built into the Map360 Animation module. When you have completed these tutorials you will be able to: ...

  • Update to Vehicle Specifications Database

    The Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals has released the 2016 version of the Vehicle Specification Database, including all 1971-2016 models and some 2017 models. You can update your MapS...

  • Adding Symbols to Map360 Symbol Library

    Map 360 gives you two options for importing symbols that are saved as dwg into the symbol library: First Method - For a small number of symbols, open Map360, open Symbol Library, select the folder wh...