IMS MAP360: USING COLLADA (GOOGLE SKETCH UP) SYMBOL LIBRARY *Note You will need to sign up for a free SketchUp account before you will be able to download symbols from the Collada library. 1.) In IM...
3D vehicle models are added to the Symbol Librarian with each release. The included models are listed below: 3D vehicle models are added to the Symbol Librarian with each release. The included models...
Attached are two Tutorials and a simple drawing that allow you to learn the basic tools that are built into the Map360 Animation module. When you have completed these tutorials you will be able to: ...
The Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals has released the 2016 version of the Vehicle Specification Database, including all 1971-2016 models and some 2017 models. You can update your MapS...
Map 360 gives you two options for importing symbols that are saved as dwg into the symbol library: First Method - For a small number of symbols, open Map360, open Symbol Library, select the folder wh...