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Using Digital Imagery

  • Data Exported from PhotoModeler into Map 360

    PhotoModeler is a well-known photogrammetry program used in many fields, including forensics and accident reconstruction. Map360 is a well-know diagramming and documentation tool used in similar appli...

  • Orthoreferenced Imagery

    IMS Map360 has the ability to import georeferenced images which can be displayed in the background of your CAD drawing. Georeferenced images are linked to GPS measurements, so that if your Evidence Re...

  • Export Map360 to Google Earth

    IMS Map360 has a feature which allows users to export a kml file which instantly allows viewing in Google Earth. You can view points, descriptions and linework projected onto the ground in Google Eart...

  • Bing Map Coordinate Systems

    Pick here to see Bing Map articles...