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Manually Transfer EVR Scenes using WMDC

Follow these steps to manually transfer an EVR scene and import it into IMS

1) Browse to the C Drive of your computer and create a folder called "EVR Imports"

2) Plug your data collector into the PC and wait for WMDC to launch

3) Pick "Connect without setting up your device"

4) Choose "File Management"

5) Pick "Browse the contents of your device"

6) It will open a File Explorer (see below)

Double click on the icon to browse the contents of the data collector.

7) Open "Program Files"

8) Open MicroSurvey EVRxx

9) Open "Scenes"

10) You will then see all the scenes located on the data collector

Right click on the scene you want to transfer to your computer and choose "Copy"

11) Now open the EVR Import folder we created in Step 1

Choose "Paste"

12) Your scene is now located on the C Drive of your computer under the folder EVR Imports.

How to Import into IMS

1) Create a new scene

2) Under the Import/Export Ribbon choose "Import EVR"

3) Pick the "Browse" button

4) Browse to the "EVR Imports" folder on the C drive

5) Press "OK"

6) Choose the scene you want to import and press "Next"

7) Press "Next" again

8) Press "Finish"

9) Press "OK"

10) Press "OK"

11) You can now view and edit your scene in IMS

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Louise Anderson

  2. Posted a year ago
